Sneak Attacks

January 30

Has the enemy been victorious lately in robbing your joy
through "sneak attacks" you just didn't see coming?

Just turning on the news and seeing all the job layoffs can
pack a punch, then the call comes that another friend or
family member is ill really pulling you down. Maybe the
friend you felt you could always count on has let you down.

The enemy can take away a lot of things from us, but he
can't take away our Jesus and that is where our joy is made

Restoration is my word today: to bring back to or put
back into a former or original state.

We can counter attack, by putting on the full armor of God
and believing in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal and
restore! When the body of believers is functioning together,
as it should, there is amazing strength. The enemy knows
that and will try to weaken that defense, so keep your
guard up for sneak attacks meant to weaken the strength
found in family and friends.

This morning my white bird came soaring back into the cove
and plunged head first into the chilly waters. Brrr! It was
worth the plunge to come up with the treasure...a fish!

Father, give us the courage to take the plunge and step
forward to restore a broken relationship. It might even be
with You Lord, or a fellow believer. In Jesus Name, Amen

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