With Me

January 7
There is no need for an alarm clock in my life at this time...
I have a 6AM hot flash which does the trick! My husband is a VERY
early riser, but has the sweetest habit. He tucks his pillow up
against me before he gets out of bed, so I think he is still
there with me. By some chance the hot flash does not do the trick,
Moses does. He sits right beside my bed and softly whines...
I guess he is checking to see if I am breathing.
Now that is precious!

This morning after the hot flash, my first thoughts were
"Good morning Lord, what is it You have in mind for today?"
Then it hit me...I am so blessed to know that Christ is "WITH ME."

He will never leave us or forsake us. Hebrews 13:5

Ugh, my heart has just ached for so many who have been left....their
health may have left them, a loved one may have died and gone away, a
spouse left through divorce or maybe their job security is gone....but
not God!

Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

Jesus felt so abandoned by his buddies in the Garden of Gethsemane,
but He knew his Father was with Him. Sometimes we feel as if our
friends have deserted us. Hmmm, God knew we would feel that way so He
left us a message that we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

Yesterday we had a time of prayer with the students at the small
Christian school where I teach. These 5-12 year olds prayed the
most tender prayers to the Lord for 30 minutes without stopping.
It was powerful. Sunday I met with a group of friends and we
prayed together...prayers were answered within 24 hours.
Last night I wept as I pondered what the Lord was up to.
I looked at my husband and said, "How can there be people who
do not believe our God is a living active God involved in everyday
life? He is so real and so amazing!"
When you invite Christ in....He is with you!

Let's Pray:
Lord, we love you everyday, we just might forget to tell You. We come
into Your presence with thanksgiving in our hearts and give You praise!
All creation surrounds us giving testimony to Your presence. No matter
what we encounter along the path of life today we will not face it alone!
Come Holy Spirit come, fill us up to overflowing in a manner that the
love of Christ touches another today! In Jesus' Name, Amen

Who will we remind of God's presence today?

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