Climb, Sustain, Refresh

March 3

Putting on our boots and snow gear we started to trudge UP the half
mile long driveway to place a card in the mailbox. The snow was a
foot deep in places and the glare from the sun so strong I had to go
back for sunglasses. I had made this trek many times before, but was
amazed at my early exhaustion. My husband shared that the added
weight of the boots and clothes alone made the attempt more difficult
and asked me if I wanted to turn back and try 4 wheel drive!
"No," I insisted. I wanted to enjoy the beauty of the day.

Praying these verses this morning I thought how much life resembles
the snow trekking experience yesterday. Your right hand sustains me
(Ps.18:35)and You have made a name for Yourself that endures until
this day (
Neh. 9:10) Nothing is too hard for you. (Jer 32:17)
My soul rejoices in my God. (Isaiah 61:10)

The climb can be exhausting, but the view is great when you make it
to the top. God sustains us along the way, if we stop and allow
Him the opportunity. Refreshment comes when we remember who He
is and lift our eyes to Him. Then His loves is showered down upon us
causing us to forget the struggle which had been at hand and we can
rejoice in the Lord of our salvation!

Let's simply pray the song lyrics...God you are my God and I will ever
praise You! In Jesus Name, Amen

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