Common Sense

March 5th

The testing of my obedience has occurred once again.
This morning I received a powerful You Tube presentation titled
The 2nd Revolution..."Common Sense". Timidly, I thought about
to whom it would be safe to forward this without offending them.

Then I opened my daily journal study I am doing and was posed this
question: "How well do you respond to God when He clearly shows you
something from His Word or in some other form that is definitely
Him? The You Tube clip, which reminds one of the principles this
nation was founded on...including GOD, crossed my mind, but I
sheepishly went on with my study. I responded to the question with
these words:

I get excited when I hear from the Lord, but am often slow to act. I
do follow through with obedience in what He asks me to write on the
devotional each day." Liar, liar pants on fire. I kept moving forward.

Heading to the next page the first sentence by Beth Moore read:
"Years ago I learned a good rule of thumb that I've tried to keep
before me in study: when plain sense makes COMMON SENSE, seek no
other sense." BAM, there was the theme of the video I had just seen.
There was my disobedience to write about what God had put on my heart.

In The Message translation of Isaiah 50:4-5 are words for us this day:
He wakes me up in the morning,Wakes me up, opens my ears to listen as
one ready to take orders.
The Master, God, opened my ears, and I didn't go back to sleep,
didn't pull the covers back over my head.

What will we do with what God has for us to do today?
Google "You Tube: The 2nd Revolution" and you will find the clip.

Let's Pray: Lord, forgive me when I get in Your way, often by doing
nothing. You have a plan that exceeds anything I am able to imagine.
Keep us from our selfish ways and find us to be obedient children who
bring You glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen

WOW. I hit publish and then the computer froze. I closed out the blog
and went back to check to see if this had published and it hadn't, so
I had to try again. Spiritual warfare is oh so real!

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