Lessons from an Osprey Hunt

March 11

God led me off the beaten path yesterday to remind me of who He is!
Pulling down the driveway, my husband noticed the big old Mr. Osprey
who lives in our cove hanging out on our shoreline near our beach
area. It is a very wooded area and he blended right in. I've always
wanted a picture of him, so my husband ran in to get the camera, while
I kept my eye on the big ole bird. I tried to take a round about
route to get a better vantage point, but there was no fooling this
fellow, he spread his enormous wings and sailed away.
(My humorous husband who is with me while I am writing this in the car
has just hollered out.."The Osprey, flew off yelling, 'Os prey, Os prey'.
Meaning...I's free, I's free." Oh, the joy of living with this man.

The next best photo opt was of the seagulls soaring around, so I went
to another side of the property and took a sit evaluating the
situation. (Whoops, my editor just said, "Be careful there, stay clear
of the 'h' key".) I'll never finish at this rate!
I didn't want to shoot into the sun, nor did I want a house in the
background, but I did want a shot of the birds near the water. There
was really only one good possibility, so I decided to focus the lens
there and wait. Immediately, Wait upon the Lord was echoing
in my head. It wasn't long before I tired of waiting and thought,
"This will never happen." Then the Lord impressed upon me to hold
the camera there, but to pull back a bit and be aware of the surrounding
areas and the approaching birds. There would be time to go behind the
lens when a seagull headed that way.
Life is so similar. Sometimes we get focused on that one thing we
want and our perspective is very narrow. When we step back and see
where all God is at work and are available to be content on what He is
doing, before we know it...He has given us the desires of our heart.
Yup, the gull came right to the spot! It gets better.
Heading back to the house to check out the pics, I thought I saw some
baby duckings and went down to one of the boat houses to get a look
from there. They disappeared....why, because once again they were not
duckings, but looney birds! Disappointed, I kept staring in hopes I was
mistaken. Then I heard a big crunch in the woods beside me and WOW!
there he was...Mr. Osprey. There was hardly time to lift the camera,
he spread his wings and flew right in front of me! What a mighty God
we serve. He gave me just what I wanted in His perfect timing...
teaching me to wait on Him along the way!

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