The Heart and the Mud Pie

July 10-12

Numbness keeps trying to crowd its way into my existence appearing
to be the preferred state of mind to the raging choice of
overwhelmingness. Hmmm, summer shouldn't be like this.
My brain is emotional mush, so I whispered to the Lord..."Could you put
it (the message) in clear site and not make me think much?" A small
pillow lay on the couch next to me and turning it over lay, written in a
creative script, the phrase "Seek Him with all your heart," which is
always a great message to pass along such as the standard Christian
line of "read your Bible and pray".
Precious friends who sensed a burden abounding at 500 Moonriver Lane
stopped by with some praise music and prayer for us last night.
God sent confirmation through those prayers (or pray ers) of verses He had
taken me to that very morning on the importance of hating what is evil.
(I'm equating the mud pie in the title with evil...often a thick gooey mess
that masquerades as something good.)
In order to hate what is evil, we must seek God will all our heart and learn
discernment. Opening my devotional by Ogilvie I begin to laugh out loud...
yet another confirmation...a perfect fit for differentiating between
what comes from a heart seeking the Lord and what could be whispers from
the Evil One.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit,but test the spirits,
whether they are of God.
1 John 4:1

Let's pray this paragraph from Ogilvie: "Lord, I pray for the gift of
discernment. Maximize every faculty You have given me to show me Your
will and way. Help me think clearly. Guide my thoughts to conclusions
that will move me forward in Your plan for me. Control my feelings so
that I may trust my inner heart to alert me to potential problems. Take
charge of my will and create in me a desire to obey the guidance You
give me." In Jesus Name, Amen

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