The Ins, Outs, Starts and Stops of Life

July 25-26

Giving Moses his daily morning attention I praised God Moses could open his
eyes as I cleaned gookies (as I call them) out of these droopy eyes. Wiping
his drippy nose, again the praises followed for he is still thrilled by scents.
Although one ear struggles with infections he hears well with the other one.
And as I gave him his morning massage...yes he is spoiled...and the summer
shedding exhibited hair coming off by the handfuls, I praised the Lord he
was still growing hair.
It was a "thank You, God, for this wonderful creature" moment.

My thoughts turned to my father who places several of his teeth in
a jar at night and has very little hair on his head any more. Hearing
aids do the best they can to assist him, but he relies heavily on
reading lips and we miss placed his reading glasses yesterday which
presents quite a problem! As heart wrenching as it is to watch the aging
process I am thankful for the medical treatment he has been able to receive
all these years which have allowed joy and wisdom to flow to three generations
in his family.(My pitch against the health care bill).

We can rejoice and shout to the hilltops, no matter what our situation...

If God is for us, who can be against us! Romans 8:31

Let's Pray: Lord, there is none like You. No one else can
thrill our hearts like You do! Whatever comes our way, we know we can say
You are on our side. Today for each person in a hospital or hospice bed,
for each starving child or soldier facing danger, for the lonely and scared
we pray they can call out to Jesus and know of His love and power to
deliver. Bring it on Lord, in Your name we pray! Amen

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