
August 29-30
Riding along the countryside I asked the Lord for a word for today.
I groaned as I thought the word was flab. Lifting my eyes
from the keyboard, right in sight was an American flag! I flashed
back to my walk this AM and God Bless America playing on my
IPOD. The prayers began to flow for revival in this nation and for safety
for our troops.
Turning to my clever husband I asked what an acronym for "FLAG" might be.
Quickly he replied: First Love Always God.
When we are focused on Christ, all our trials fade into the background.

A soul mate writes:
I needed a talking to this AM. It’s not from a spiritual source,
but God used it for me. Alfred Lord Tennyson said:
“A person who is more sensitive to suffering is clearly more alive to life.”

It comes to mind in a drug induced society such as ours, that we’re supposed to hurt if we’re alive to life. It drives us to fight injustice, it presses us forward to ask the next question, it keeps things real.

Memory Fundamental number one at The Academy is: God is Real.

So we lift our banner high to show honor and glory to a holy living, loving God!

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