Do you honor Me in all you do?

August 5
I just typed July 5th instead of August 5th.
Oh, my summer has certainly flown.
Lately I have felt like I have been in military training with the Lord.
He keeps hitting me with some tough graduate level courses.
Yesterday, I asked Him if I had done well enough to graduate and come on
home...obviously not...He has left me right here.
His question for me this AM was...Do you honor Me in all you do?
Ugh! I really wanted to respond with "crapola" because I know I don't.
But "crapola" wouldn't show much honor.
Honor in this case would be defined:
a showing of usually merited respect .
With God we could eliminate the word "usually".
There were moments yesterday I should have reached for the zipper on my
mouth, for I know the words I muttered were not honoring to God or
exemplifying who He intends for me to be.
I know there are great song lyrics related to "I honor You in all I do",
but I am late for work, so those will have to be added later.

Let's Pray: Lord, You are worthy of honor and praise.
Please forgive us when our lives are less than honoring to You and gently
prod us towards living lives which are filled with the Holy Spirit and
help fertilize the crops which could produce fruit for Your kingdom.
In Jesus Name, Amen

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