Looking Up

August 20

Our opening ceremony for school was yesterday. Headmaster Andrews had all
the students, beginning with 8th grade, come up to the podium and sign
a covenant stating they were the team for SMLCA for such a time as this.
When it came time for the K-1's, he stopped thinking it was taking too long
and they were too small. While he was stating they would do it later,
the smallest Kindergartner walked up to the podium which was a head and a
half taller than her and stood, looking up to my husband and the paper
on the podium. The whole crowd melted. Graciously her mother walked
forward and lifted her up, so she could sign her name. The other
children came forward and Mr. Andrews placed the signature page on
his notebook and he knelt in front of them, so they could more easily
Isn't that a perfect picture of us with Jesus! We look WAY up at Him
and He stoops down and meets us where we are.

I just love Jesus!

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