Without Excuse

August 18
The English language is so tricky. Take the word "excuse". We pronounce
it differently if we are using it as a noun, than when we use it in the
transitive verb form, which means to make apology for. I often shorten
this word to simply "cuse". Walking through a crowd..."Cuse me, cuse me."

We can't shorten or minimize the reality of what God has done for us.
The mere gift of our own being is beyond any thing imaginable. Just
think God took time to create each one of us. Add to that the beauty of
creation and all the provisions and pleasures this earth has to offer
and we have to be overwhelmed. Then that He would sacrifice his own
son for our screw ups, so we could have the privilege of heaven...who
is like that? Only God.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his
eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood
from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Romans 1:20

Let's Pray: Excuse us Father, we just want to stop and say...You
are the one we adore and fall before You today with love and reverence
for who You are. We come into Your presence with thanksgiving for each
breath we take, each site in creation we gaze upon and the undeserved
gift of love we receive from Your Son. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's
just something about that name! In Jesus Name, Amen

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