Greet With a Kiss

Greet one another with a holy kiss.
 2 Corinthians 13:12

Taking a long walk the other day, my plan had been to listen to the radio, but the cicadas must have been creating interference, because the station would not come through, so I listen to Jesus.  Approaching this time with him appropriately, I began with praise and ventured into confession and chatting over two logs that need to come out of my own eye!
There is always a sense of refreshment after repentance.  There was a little spark in my step, as I experienced the freedom that forgiveness brings.
Immediately, I realized there was a test before me. Way off in the distance I could see another walker coming towards me...funny...the road is named "Gangplank" and it was if God was going to have me walk the plank.  I felt him say, "If I asked you to greet this person with a holy kiss, would you?"  "A total stranger, you've got to be kidding me Lord.," I replied.  "Are you an obedient servant?" he questioned.  "Wait!" my bargaining began.  "Isn't that scripture applied to fellow believers?"  "Maybe that is a believer," he responded.
"OK, I'll do it."  
By this time I could see the walker was a woman about my age.  I had no idea how this was going to go down, but I was ready.  Then, praise the Lord, she turned down a side street out of view!  
God makes me laugh!

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