
November 1
My husband kissed me good-bye long before sun-up, heading off on his 35 minute drive to work.  By 7AM, he would be departing the school campus with his government class in route to a Mitt Romney rally in a near by town.  My heart swelled as I thought of the difference he makes for Christ day in and day out in the lives of his students, parents and faculty. Purpose  was the word that rang so clear in my mind during the early hours of this day.  I thought, "What is my purpose for today, Lord?"

Conviction set in as I began reading this devotional by the late Adrian Rogers.

Is It Too Late for National Revival? by Adrian Rogers
“If My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14
"I am believing God for a national revival. You know, sometimes we think that it’s just too late and we need to hunker down. That’s what the devil wants us to do.
It’s always too soon to quit. God has sent revival in the darkest days before, and there’s not one shred of Scripture that says we cannot have revival in dark days.
It is not too late for America. And I don’t want you to say, “My country, right or wrong.” No, I want you to get right. One by one, let’s get right with God and then we can say it, sing it, pray it and mean it, “God bless America.” But there’s something more important than America, and it’s the kingdom of God. I’m not interested in making America a better place to go to hell from. People need to be saved. 
The best thing you could do would be to lead another person to Jesus Christ. Then you will not just have a better citizen—you’ll have a new creation and a citizen of God’s kingdom! If someone asked you today how to be saved, are you prepared to lead them to Jesus Christ?"

Changing a nation starts by changing hearts one by one.
Do we take our purpose as disciples of Christ seriously?  Do we pray each day for the opportunity to tell another of Jesus' love?  Are we actively engaged in building relationships with non-believers in hopes of earning the trust and opportunity to tell them about our Savior?

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