Mary Pondered Them

December 17
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19

Just prior to this verse, we read where the shepherds had had their socks (ok, probably sandals) knocked off due to an angelic encounter, announcing Christ's birth.  They scurried along to Bethlehem to check out this revelation.  Then the Bible says...they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child and all who heard it where amazed at what the shepherds said to them.  While their jubilation led to "public praise," Mary's approach was more one of private prayer. Her told in this story had been a bit more personal.  My guess is Mary had invested in a time of private prayer daily for the past nine months!  She had been carrying precious cargo on the inside and now had the responsibility of nurturing God in the flesh on the outside!  The One sent to save sinners would be nursed and dressed by a young teenage girl.  I think I would plug into prayer mode for moment to moment instructions.

Our hearts turn today to 26 mothers (I am including the ones of the adults killed as well) who can no longer nurture their children. Each day they must awaken hoping this tragedy was a nightmare. This time next week they will not be gathered around the tree with their child singing Christmas carols and tucking them in anticipating the excitement of Christmas morning.  Over and over I keep thinking "how can they go on".

While prayer (pondering with God) is not allowed in our public schools, it is always allowed in our hearts and provides a great source of healing.  Last week I read a quote and now I am not sure where it was from:
"Your prayer time protects your heart from becoming hardened by hurt 
and it stops your ego from edging God out.
Your spiritual convalescence is your prime time to be loved by your 
heavenly Father."

After Jesus' crucifixion, for a period of 40 days he reappearing to those closest to him.  Jesus explained he would be leaving, but was sending a "helper", the Holy Spirit. When He was taken up into heaven, leaving those who loved him desperately behind, the Bible tells us in Acts 1:14 what those people did.

They all joined together constantly in prayer,
along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

Prayer puts into action a powerful privilege in our lives...our connection and communication to the living God, our heavenly Father.   May we all join together constantly in prayer for the community of Newton, CT, for our nation and for those who don't carry the joy of Jesus in their hearts.

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