Why I Believe-Epiphany Part Two

December 11

Moments after I emailed my friends about the "Holy Spirit came upon her" epiphany I was having my quiet time reading some daily devotionals online.  There in my email was a confirmation from God.  I love how He does this...in addition to reminding me that I needed to call upon the Holy Spirit to come upon me and equip me, He used this devotional to have me read the words....The Lord is with  you.  While I have not questioned that for a moment, it was so sweet to read it in print.  God's love is such warmth!

I wrote again to the small group praying for me:
"As I typed in each of your names again to email you, I began to pray for what God has ahead for you today. ( I don't believe in coincidences and felt strongly God wanted each of these people to remember the power of the Holy Spirit and God's presence.)  Isn't His ripple effect wonderful.  I remember when my mother ways dying and I was writing to a small group (that is actually how the Boojoyful devotional came into existence) people would write back and say...I needed to hear what God gave you today Boo, because.... And they would share what they were dealing with.  So as you pray for Deke's parents and my father, I am praying that God unleashes a wildfire in your lives and uses you to spread the Good New this season.  Also, I pray that an oasis will spring up each day in your wilderness to refresh you as God just did for me.

For our God is a consuming fire."
Hebrews 12:29

We must keep our noses in the Word if we want to learn more and live abundantly.

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