I'm Gonna Ask You....

We call this one "Chuckles" because he is always laughing.
February 25
Chuckling over the sink, my husband expressed that my last request was definitely one of those southern statements that leaves you wondering.  My back had gone out and bending over was out of the question for me. He was graciously washing dishes when I said, "I'm gonna ask you if you will put that bundt pan in the drawer under the oven."  He chuckled and said, "When are you gonna ask me?"

We laughed and laughed...then I said that might be a good evangelism approach.....You could say...
"I'm gonna tell you about Jesus!"  Get ready, prepare yourself, because one of these days I am going to be bold and just tell you!

And we're here today bringing you good news: the Message that what God promised the fathers has come true for the children-for us!  He raised Jesus, exactly as described in the second Psalm:
My Son! My very own Son! Today I celebrate you!
Acts 13:32-33

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