Godly Instructions 1, 2, 3
February 2-3
Visiting with someone the other day, they made a comment about someone and I said nothing back. This person looked at me and inquired... "No, comment?" I told them I had just been reading in the book of James that very morning and read this verse:
Visiting with someone the other day, they made a comment about someone and I said nothing back. This person looked at me and inquired... "No, comment?" I told them I had just been reading in the book of James that very morning and read this verse:
My dearly loved brothers, understand this:
Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
James 1:19
The person asked me to repeat the verse, then said, "There is a lot of wisdom in that verse!"
Be completely humble and gentle be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2