The Godly Husband

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.
Ephesians 5:25

July 10
This series of photos, which I caught of a young couple who are about to embark on a tubing adventure, speaks clearly towards how to be a godly husband. In the first shot the husband is preparing his wife for the adventure being certain she has the right protection.  The second photo shows her apprehension, but that is quickly calmed as you see his precious smile and the confidence he is pouring into her, in the third picture.  They are about to head into unknown waters together, but the thrill and growth comes in that they are doing this together!
Isn't marriage like a wild tube ride. There are rough waters and we even get tossed off at times, but we climb back in, facing life together, encouraging one another along the way and then lift our hands, with a thumbs up and shout of victory when we make it through another day as man and wife.

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