The Heart of the Matter

August 24-25
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:9

Yesterday, I caught myself evaluating where my heart really was in relationship to what was motivating me to engage in a couple activities.  Both circumstances were worthy causes, but were they for self fulfillment or to fulfill the Lord's will for my life at this time?
We have to continually be watchful of our hearts.  They can lead us astray!

The Bible sites the tendency for hearts to become lustful, bitter, jealous, grudging, hateful and even hardened.

One of the issues regarded the desire to come to the defense of another person.  This person is an online personality, whom I don't even know, but she was speaking down to an assistant on the program.  Just little cutting remarks.  There is a place to reply with comments and I wanted to write..."Be nice to that fellow."  Then I realized I did not want to get caught in online "chats".  Instead I took the experience and evaluated my own life and asked God to protect my mouth from ever verbally demeaning another person in public.

Oh, Father, guard our hearts this day. When our emotions begin to run amuck, draw us to yourself and teach us your ways, which are often difficult to understand.  In Jesus' Name, Amen

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