Let Faith Arise

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 

September 4
The call came from a neighbor indicating they were in our cove with a care package for my upcoming trip back to the surgeon.  Yummy peach bread, a Sprite, chocolate covered raisins, assorted other sweets and a note of encouragement.  The gentleman asked me, "What are your needs?"
It struck me, that once again, I had fallen into "Go, just get 'er done mode", accepting "It is what it is," without believing "With God all things are possible."   How many times this summer have I come alongside others praying for peace and specifics before their surgeries, yet, I wasn't applying that faith to my own life.  Where was my faith?

Driving to Richmond, where I would receive a laser treatment related to the skin cancer surgery, God had my attention with all he provided.  I kept the radio on a Christian station and God's love overflowed!

The Song What Faith Can Do reached deep into my heart.
Please take 3 minutes and sing along!  I promise it will bless your day.

Stopping for gas near Charlottesville, VA, I felt God's presence all around.  As I walked into the convenience store, another lady was walking in as well. She looked at me with a big smile and said, "Your scarf is beautiful."  Thanking her I replied that it was a gift from my daughter and it certainly was nice to have a daughter and daughter in laws to keep me in style. She agreed!  As I was pulling away from the pump, a gentleman, who looked like a retired Globe Trotter, was walking around the building.  (I so wish I had taken his picture.)  He was wearing white socks, which came up over his knees, short gym shorts and a coordinating top.  He must have been 7 feet tall.  He smiled an enormous smile and waved and waved to me.  My first thought was..."God is that an angel?"  Happiness just covered me.  Assimilating other possibilities in my mind, I finally concluded that possibly my license plate had made him smile.  It reads..."Im4Joy"!

Pulling back onto the highway the next song came on, which had me raising my hands...ok, since driving, only one hand...in the air in praise to Jesus.

Let Faith Arise

What are you facing today that you might just need to let your faith arise and go before you?

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