Make New Friends

Some of the Shiloh Summer 2014 Bible Study Sisters Loved by God

June 27
One of my Bible Study buddies texted, All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.  Isaiah 54:13  She continued, "I'd never thought of this verse in context of ME being the child who is being taught by my Savior Jesus."  This friend, teaches with my husband at a Christian School and was headed out of state to a teaching seminar.  In my reply of things we were praying for her, I added "make new friends."
At our ages our friend making days are becoming more limited.  Some of us have friends we've loved since childhood or treasured since college.  Others have come into our lives just recently.
Many years ago I was introduced to a young mother who very bluntly explained that her time was precious and she wasn't going to be friends with just anyone.  She was only interested in the people who could benefit her life!  WOW.  I bet she passed over some mighty blessings.
We are past the point of making "life long" friends, but not past the point of making new friends who will enrich the years we have left in life.
Studying 1 and 2 Thessalonians with the women above is so exciting, as we watch Paul, Timothy and Silas go city to city making new friends.  Remember, whatever age you make friends with a believer the friendship has no end…it last into eternity!

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