The Days of Your Youth

October 14
Opening my Grandmother's Bible I needed the Lord to give me direction.  When crisis strikes and I'm emotionally drained my brain shifts to SLOW gear.  My Bible opened to Ecclesiastes and I laughed as I looked down at the talking point to pray for my grandchildren.

"Dating: Follow God's will from an early age." 
Remember your Creator in the days of your youth before the days of trouble come.
Ecclesiastes 12:1

So, Lord, I take your lead and stop at this time and lift up the dating lives of our eight grandchildren and any others to come. I ask that You give them wisdom in the choices of the people they date.  May they remember when they commit to do all things that please the Lord, that includes dating.  While of course I ask for protection and purity related to all aspects of their dating, I also ask that they date people who are pleasing in your sight and will challenge our grandchildren to live a more committed life for You, Father. In Jesus' Name. Amen

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