Perfect Submission

March 11
Oh, it's double whammy day.  My fingers are slow to hit the keys with the vulnerability in which my pen flowed across my prayer journal to the Lord.  We don't want the world to see our sinfulness do we, yet God sees it all.  Ha, no fig leave big enough!  So here goes…

"Father, my heart goes back to the song, Blessed Assurance, and the two verses beginning with Perfect submission." May I have perfect submission to You, Lord. As I reflect back on recent days, since implanting that song in my heart, I can see hourly how many ways I need to do that.  In these last years of earthly marriage to my husband I want to be a totally submissive wife to my husband, who loves me so selflessly.  I regret and seek forgiveness for not being that kind of wife the last 36 years.  Mold me and make me better Lord.  In Jesus Name, Amen"

After writing in my journal, I opened some online devotionals I receive and there was Adrain Rogers (from the grave) writing on submission and placing Ephesians 5:21 before me.  I love God's confirmations even when they are uncomfortable.

Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Ephesians 5:21 

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