The Path to the Cross
March 26
In the She Reads Truth Lenten study, I'm working on the third section which is titled:
"Remember the Path to the Cross."
Each day we are to journal a prayer. One of mine began like this…
"Lord, we are heading into the part of the story where I want to turn my head. I hate false accusations. I hate to see pain inflicted upon others. I hate that my sin is part of what nailed you to the cross."
Section Two was titled: REPENT. I'm still doing that and must confess there have been days I've allowed the Spirit to bring to remembrance sins that have almost caused me to vomit. After the repenting process there is always a relief that Christ would carry those away for me, but there is something else that occurs. A realization, that I have no place to look in judgement at anyone else, brings me to a deeper love for others.
I thank God for this amazing study and for loving me in this sinful state. I thank Christ for dragging the cross along that arduous path out of his love for you and me.
"He himself bore our sins "in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live
for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed."
1 Peter 2:24