Thanks to My Caregivers

Sweet baby love,

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7 

October 21
Each physician we've met, through the course of this post stroke life, has looked at my husband and compassionately said, "How are you doing?"  They know from experience how difficult it is for a caregiver to see such dramatic changes in a loved one.

So, I stop today and say thank you to an amazing husband who has driven over 4,000 miles this past month and will do even more in the weeks to come to be by my side.  I say thanks to his amazing faculty and staff at Christian Heritage Academy for picking up the slack during his absence and making him feel so loved.  A big thanks to Julie and Debbie for feeding him!

As my husband returned home from yet another weekend jaunt, he found our power out, do to a fried squirrel on our transformer.  All three refrigerator/freezers where a mess and had to be totally cleaned out.  :-(   Really? Dart, dart, dart.

How I wish I hadn't done this to my family, but how thankful I am for a family who has sacrificed so much to walk beside me and encourage me to get well.

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