Lacking Vigor and Zest
Isn't this tree amazing how it is stretching out over the water.
"If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy,
the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world."
C. S. Lewis
October 24
I made my husband really nervous as I was practicing driving last week. The song, "I Can Only Imagine" came on the radio and my hand shot up in the air in praise to the Lord. He was afraid, I'd take both hands off the wheel and praise! The song doesn't give hugging Jesus as one of the options, but I think that is what I will do when I see him face to face. The other day, I had the privilege of saying good-bye on the phone to a precious friend in Minnesota, whose family had called in hospice. I said, "Bob, please hug Jesus for me and tell him I love him and can't wait to get there!" Death is inevitable for us all. I don't fear death, for the best is yet to come for those of us who love Jesus.
I made my husband really nervous as I was practicing driving last week. The song, "I Can Only Imagine" came on the radio and my hand shot up in the air in praise to the Lord. He was afraid, I'd take both hands off the wheel and praise! The song doesn't give hugging Jesus as one of the options, but I think that is what I will do when I see him face to face. The other day, I had the privilege of saying good-bye on the phone to a precious friend in Minnesota, whose family had called in hospice. I said, "Bob, please hug Jesus for me and tell him I love him and can't wait to get there!" Death is inevitable for us all. I don't fear death, for the best is yet to come for those of us who love Jesus.
Bible Study Fellowship is an international Bible study program, which is currently studying Revelation. John, the author, who had been banished to an island passes along strong critiques by God. In chapter three, my ears really perked up, as I had just taken a walk and inquired of God exactly what I am supposed to be doing in this post stroke stupor for His kingdom. Also, I've asked him to search my heart and reveal ways I've been working for my glory and not His.
This is The Message translation.
This is The Message translation.
"I see right through your work. You have a reputation for vigor and zest, but you're dead, stone-dead. Up on your feet! Take a deep breath! Maybe there's life in you yet. But I wouldn't know it by looking at your busywork; nothing of God's work has been completed. Your condition is desperate. Think of the gift you once had in your hands, the Message you heard with your ears-grasp it again and turn back to God. If you pull the covers back over your head and sleep on, oblivious to God, I'll return when you least expect it, break into your life like a thief in the night."
Revelation 3:1-3
Vigor and zest, I am lacking those at this point of the journey. At times I feel my brain is "stone-dead" even though I am up on on my feet. I'm hoping there is life and laughter in me yet, that draws others to the amazing message of Christ and his love for us.
We stand accountable for the here and now moments and God sees right through us. I've been walking in a small neighborhood, which our son's family moved to only two weeks ago. The other morning there were three ladies huddled in a yard chatting and I could tell they were checking me out, wondering who I was walking around their "hood." No one waved, but all three turned their heads away when I looked their direction. My mind drifted to the thought "I wonder what they are saying about me?" Quickly, Jesus challenged my judgmental desperate condition and tossed the question back to me..."What are you thinking about them? That they are gossips? How about praying for them and taking the high road and striking up a conversation with them the next time you pass?"
Yup, like the verse says, God sees right through us. He accesses our motives, critiques our actions, and uses the Holy Spirit to convict our hearts and counsel us onto the path of His purpose. We know we are on the right path, when it is all about reaching Jesus at the end!
Yup, like the verse says, God sees right through us. He accesses our motives, critiques our actions, and uses the Holy Spirit to convict our hearts and counsel us onto the path of His purpose. We know we are on the right path, when it is all about reaching Jesus at the end!