Commanded to Love
As we near the end of the "love" month I found myself pondering the command to love one another. Jesus was able to love others, the way he commands us to love, by staying connected to his Father. We have the ability to stay connected to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and be equipped to love in ways that sometimes feel impossible.
Love your enemies. Luke 6:27
You must love each other, just as I have loved you. John 13:34
Love your neighbor as yourself. Galatians 5:14
Whew! There are days I am very unlovable, yet Jesus does it.
Whether we like someone or not we are commanded to accept them and see value in them simply as God's creation. We are to love others unconditionally and forgive them totally even if they do not ask us to.
1 Corinthians 13 isn't just for wedding ceremonies. It's for everyday life.
Love is patient and kind, never jealous, boastful, proud or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
I stopped to think of the variety of people I may encounter in an ordinary day and what pouring out love upon them may look like.
Having a husband, children and grandchildren has afforded me the opportunity to exercise pouring out physical, emotional and servant hearted love for many years and receive that kind of love back from each one of them. I've held every hand, wiped tears from all of those faces, prayed over them and had my heart swell from the reciprocation of the same actions.
Loving my neighbors hasn't always come as easily. Especially when some are not at all likeminded and some even obstanate. One of the greatest ways we have an opportunity to love in this category is to allow ourselves, with joy, to be available and inconvenienced.
We can love strangers by simply taking notice. That could be expressed by offering a smile instead of turning away or looking down. The day in which I wrote this devotional I became under conviction of "not taking noticed." I had entered a place of business where I had an appointment. The receptionist had turned to her computer and I was looking at my phone when the conviction set in. "Not only did you not look that person in the eyes when you walked up to the desk, you didn't bother to ask her name. She has a name and is as much My beloved as you are." Believe me...I immediately apologized and asked the young woman her name. Then when it came time to leave the office I said good-bye to her addressing her by her name.
Take notice of the down trodden. I keep little plastic green frogs in my purse and hand them out when I come across someone who looks like they could have their spirits lifted. Remember F.R.O.G. stands for Fully rely on God. If you want to be bolder, you can even say, "God loves you so much, may I pray for you?"
When we are filled with the reality of the depth of God's love for us, it is easier for that God given love to pour out upon others.
Sweet friend. You are deeply loved by God!
The Song
“I Am Loved” Mack Brock