Keep Me From Falling
Both of our one year old granddaughters are up and walking, but someone is always on their heels to grab them if they start to fall. The baby gates on our stairways keep them from tumbling down the stairs and they are actually rather quick to bounce back up when they go down on their bottoms. One of them was wearing little UGG boots when visiting the other day and she came running across the yard to me like a prancing Arabian show pony. I wish I'd taken a video, but I was keen on getting to her before she made it to the gravel driveway in an attempt to keep her from falling.
Ever since my stroke left me with left leg weakness, my husband is gracious to stay close by my side. Sometimes he grabs my elbow/arm getting a firm grip. I usually say, "Just hold my hand. Don't hold on to me like you used to do your elderly mother." While I am concerned with appearances, all my husband wants to do is protect me and keep me from falling.
God feels the same way. He promises to take hold of us and keep us from falling.
The Lord will hold your hand, and if you stumble, you still won't fall.
Psalm 37:24
Read that verse again. It doesn't say we won't stumble, but if we do, like a toddler's parent, God is right there with us, offering his hand to help us get back on our feet.
Thank You heavenly Father for your compassion when we stumble, for your encouragement to get back up and for your guidance urging us on to persevere and overcome our missteps along life's paths. We are holding onto Jesus because he's holding on to us. In Jesus' name. Amen
The Song
“Hold On To Jesus” Erin O’Donnell