Perfectly Loved
This little one knows she is perfectly loved by God and deeply loved by her family.
The song "PerfectlyLoved" came on the radio. The title led me to Google, "What does it mean to be perfectly loved by God?"
Check out some of these top Google responses.
"Perfect love is an expressions of God's love for us, and it is only complete (or perfect) when we reflect it back onto Him. We can know no greater love than the love God has for us. By receiving that love, He offers us the power to give it - to become the perfect expression of it and bask in the gratitude of His love."
"Human love is fickle and changing; even the strongest human love is tested in life's trials. But God's love is perfect, steadfast, and unchanging, and in His love, we can have strength as we face the challenges of the world as well as hope for eternity."
"As believers, we are fully loved, fully known in Jesus. His new covenant with us is unshakeable. He is no surprises by our secrets. He does not turn away in the wake of our failures. He sees our thoughts, desires, and fears with perfect clarity and perfect love."
I keep reading that over and over letting that seek in. Our behavior is so driven by our thoughts, desires and fears that others do not see, but God gets it!!!!!
"God fully loves you, and fully knows you. There are no hidden agendas, never any malice or wrong intent, there is only love. He cannot operate in any other way towards us, other than in love, because that is who he is."
God is love. If we keep on loving others, we will stay one in our hearts with God, and he will stay one with us. 1 John 4:16
Jesus loves us so much that while we were yet a sinner, He died for us.