Coloring Page 4

I paid a huge price for you...
That's how much you mean to me!
That's how much I love you!
Isaiah 43:4

December 31
What a great verse with which to close out 2015.  God loves us so much.  We are valuable and precious in His sight.

For years I've contemplated what I would grab should our house catch on fire.  Would I go for the most valuable items monetarily or those irreplaceable items such as pictures and handmade keepsakes.  If the grandchildren were around, I'd just grab them and run!

I'm finding the older I get the less value there is in "things."  I've started parting with some treasures and passing them on to the younger generation to enjoy.

The wonderful thing about our greatest treasure...our faith in that we can pass it on and keep it for ourselves at the same time!

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