Make it a New Year

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was with God in he beginning.
All things were created through Him and apart from Him 
not one thing was created that has been created.
Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men.
That light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it.

January 1
I've jumped onboard with She Reads Truth for their four week study of Genesis. The introduction reads that Genesis is a book of "beginnings, covenants, and fresh starts!"  Oh, I do love fresh starts!
These studies give you a scripture passage to read and then a "response" page to write down what God has impressed upon your heart from the reading.  The first three chapters of Genesis provoked these thoughts:

"In the beginning of this year Father, I know not what is ahead, but I know there is nothing that will surprise you. I know there will be tribulation, but also that Your Word promises joy comes in the morning. As I start off this last year in my fifties facing surgery and still no known cause for the stroke, I want to make each day count for Your kingdom.  I don't want to hide from You, as Adam and Eve did, but I want to seek you daily and hear from you.

I want to find a way and the discipline to keep Sundays holy and restful.

I want to keep my eyes open and see where You are calling me to work beside you.

I want to notice Your creation, especially the humans who need to touch and taste of your love.

(Then I listed some specifics, just between Jesus and me! I'm sure imperfect progress will be birthed.)

I love You. Lord"

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