Wonderfully Weaving

August 20-21

One more Ruth thought...while this story suffices to be a good read from the simple outcome of joy being bestowed on a couple widows, God is up to so much more.  We see it has a happy ending for Ruth and Naomi, but what God sees in the grand scheme goes so much further.  He sees the family tree of Jesus!  God is so good at wonderfully weaving a gorgeous tapestry.

Discussing God's ways, with a friend over dinner last night we had to remind each other that we can't come close to comprehending the realm of God.

In my Ruth journal I wrote, "I praise You Lord for the magnificent ways You work.  You can take messes and make them marvelous, heartbreak and bring about unending happiness, fear can become freedom to walk and wake without fear. All things are possible with You when we surrender and walk in Your ways.  You began this summer calling me to a Summer of Surrender. While it has been quite painful at times, emotionally and physically, never for a moment have I questioned You were right beside me. Keep weaving our earthly lives in ways that bring You glory and bring others to the  saving knowledge of Christ."

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, 
to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 

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