The Fullness of Time

How cute are these two Minnesota grands and their giant tree!
December 19

A couple Sundays ago,  I had to miss church because I was hauling a load of furniture to Charlottesville.  While driving I plugged into Thomas Road Baptist Church live on the radio and heard a wonderful gospel filled message from Jonathan Falwell.

The service started off with the song, "You are what we've come here for."

Can you say that about Sunday mornings. Jesus is what you've come to church for? To worship Him?

The sermon title was "Why Christmas?"  It transformed my Advent.  In past years I've focused on "the Gift we've received" and the emphasis on us being open to giving that Gift away.  This Advent season the reminder in my mind is that my sin is "why Christmas.' My sin is what caused God to have to come to earth in a body and be Jesus to us and die for us.

"But when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoptions as sons."  Galatians 4:4-5

Here's another thought.  (How I love getting alone in the Word and learning.) We were all created by God, but the phrase "might receive" in the verse above reminds us, we must accept the Gift to be called Children of God.

Oh, how I love this season and searching the truths laid out for us about what happened in the Fullness of Time.  May each day this week be enriched with truths about Jesus' coming.

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