
Our daughter played her harp Christmas Eve with our praise band.

January 3
It's good to stay in ponder mode, as Mary was.
In Ann Vosskamp's devotional, The Greatest Gift she wrote about Mary conceiving. She says,

"Conceive: it's not passive, but an active verb. Its root in Latin means nothing less than 'to seize, to take hold of.' When grace conceives in you, you take hold of God."

She also writes about Mary’s womb and Mary’s becoming a space:
“There is no need to produce or perform or perfect-simply become a place for God. 
That is all.”

Isn't that beautiful? 

Let’s each ponder what it is God wants us to “take hold of” in this coming year.
Number one for me is a deeper relationship with Him. To be "a place," an available vessel, a readied servant, for God to fill up and use.  

"And Mary said, 'Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.'" Luke 1:38 

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