To Be...Renewed, Refreshed

"Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul."
Proverbs 27:9

January 24
Well, we are visiting some other friends today (the 23rd) and have realized we left our computer plug in our previous hotel.  So here's a thought for the 24th, but I'll be missing in action until possibly the night of the 25th.
This amazing woman has been my steadfast friend for 43 years! That's a long time to stick by anyone.
We've walked through the deepest of heartaches together and prayed without ceasing for things in almost every category!  Both of us have buried siblings to very tragic deaths and we have rocked one another's babies, held one another through tough parenting times and now are rocking one another's grand babies. We have loved and been loved by one another's parents. While my parents are gone, her's now are struggling.  As I go to visit them I wonder if this will be my final earthly visit with them.   

Jeremiah 31:25 says,  "I'll refresh tired bodies; I'll restore tired souls."  
This getaway has done just that for me.  While I hated to spend the money on travel it has been well worth is as my stroke headaches, which had reoccurred for the past seven months have gone away!  Rest, renewal, and refreshment for our souls is attainable. Glad I found some!

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