To Be...Broken Hearted

Celebrating 7 years with this one and waiting the arrival of son #3.
April 21

"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and  saves the crushed in spirit."  Psalm 34:18

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  He counts the number of the stars, He calls them all by name."  Psalm 147:3-4

The One who knows every star by name knows every hurt in our heart. He also knows how to heal those hurts!  In a recent journal I was keeping, on one page the question was posed "List some of the ways God has healed past hurts in your life."  It stumped me! Then that realization thrilled me, for it caused me to recognize all the healing that had taken place over the years.

We look forward to meeting the three babies this sweet couple lost to an earthly life in heaven one day.  We rejoice for the life about to be born.

The move is coming along, but we are pretty worn out.  The combo of a wife ready to have a C-section in a week and a slow ole post stroke grandmother are quite the pair. God has been amazing to send three different women to help us over the past few days.  Moving is not for sissies!

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