To Be...Accompanied

This precious daughter has accompanied me so many places!  Thank you.

July 6
Living in a resort/retirement community there are numerous people who need someone to accompany them to doctors' appointments.  There are also many who pick up visiting minors at the airport who have been assigned airline personnel to accompany them to their gates for flights.  As a boat salesman, my husband accompanies customers on their test drives.  (Such a brave soul.)  Following my stroke, our daughter had to accompany me everywhere!

Situation after situation in life leaves us vulnerable and wishing we were not alone.  For those of us who have Jesus as a Savior we know we are never alone.  We have the Jesus in our hearts, the Holy Spirit as a guide and angels watching over us!  (Forget Big Brother watching, that's a heavenly crowd posed in our presence and that remembrance alone should curtail our temptation to sin!)

"Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."   Matthew 28:20

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