To Be...Making Room for Strangers

Shiloh at night
July 18

In our summer study we are looking into being hospitable.  One day's lesson was on "Making Room for Strangers." The testing of my absorption of this lesson came quickly two days in a row!

Earlier in the day I was at a meeting and realized I had forgotten two important things, so I rushed home. Pulling onto Moonriver I noticed a stranger walking down the road carrying a large walking stick.  My immediate reaction was “Doesn’t this person see the PRIVATE road sign?”  Ooooo, the self-righteousness in that thought. Thanks to this study,  instead of rolling down my window and saying, “What are you doing on our road?” I rolled down my window and said, “Hi! I’m Boo.”  The man answered with his name, which I can’t even remember now, and said he was visiting a neighbor who lived on the road.  In my hustle bustle, I simply said, “That’s nice,” and rushed off. 

By the time I ran in the house to grab my forgotten items the verses I had read about hospitality were coming back to me.

How did Boaz act?  How quickly did Jesus engage the Samaritan woman at the well?

 "The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:34  

"I was a stranger, and you invited Me in..."  Matthew 25:35-36  

And my show stopper.."Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."   Hebrews 13:2   Heading back up the road he was still there, so again I stopped and rolled down my window and said, "We have five acres at the end of the road and there are scripture trails through the woods.  Please enjoy then while you are here."  Excitedly he said, "That would be so much nicer than walking up the road with the traffic.  I will do that." Whew!  How much better did I feel for offering hospitality, than executing my right of private property? 

The very next morning...My husband and I went to walk around 6:45 AM.  We take two cars ad he leaves for work from where we park.  I had a list of errands to run afterwards and was rushing, but as I drove past our private road I noticed a red truck laden with ladders at the end of the driveway.  It was backing out. I drove a bit further and then thought "I bet they are lost and trying to get to the neighborhood beside us," so I pulled over and waited for then to drive by, so I could flag them down and set them straight. (I know only a southern girl in the country would do this.)   They didn't come, so I turned around and headed back down Moonriver.  They were about halfway down the driveway and I was in a hurry, so I started honking and then jumped our of my car.  (Picture an old woman in a way too short Lule Lemon skirt, for her flabby legs, wearing tennis shoes, a hot pink top and sun glasses running towards your truck saying, "I can help!")  Arriving at the driver's door, jabbering way, this man looked out his window and simply said, "Hernando."  What?  Then up from the back of the truth comes Hernando and I realized his English may be a bit better than the driver's. Not so, but he did have a torn piece of paper with an address in his hand.  So, I led these strangers to there destination.  

Two test for me so far on this PRIVATE road! 
"Therefore welcome one another as Christ ha welcomed you, for the glory of God."  Romans 15:7   

Get ready, I bet God has a stranger encounter for you today!

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