To Be....A Praying Grandparent #4

September 13

"The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray."
Proverbs 12:26

Standing on the corner waiting for a school bus will teach you a lot about children. It's scary to watch who leads and who quickly follows.  Can't even imagine the insight that would come if we could ride the bus and listen in to conversations.  The influences surrounding our children and grandchildren are a constant bombardment and that isn't going to change, so we need to pray ferociously for discernment for our children/grandchildren.  They need to learn it's wise and courageous to flee when their spirit heightens their awareness in certain situations.  We used to pray for at least one good friend to walk through life with each of our children. (Having six children only eight years apart provided for some ready made playmates, who had the same boundaries set upon them.)

Here's a prayer for today from Stormie Omartian:

"Lord, I know how the wrong friends can lead my grandchildren away from You and Your ways.  Please keep that from happening with them.  Your Word says a great deal about the benefits of godly friends, so Your warning is clear. Lead them to good schools and good churches where godly friends can be found.  Take away from my grandchildren any attraction in them toward friends who will cause them to stay away from the path You have for them.  Disturb their conscience so badly that they will refuse to seek the acceptance of people who will draw them away from You and Your ways."

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