To Be…Turning Our Eyes Upon Jesus

September 6
Unable to sleep a few nights ago, I found myself reciting the words to the hymn "Turn your eyes upon Jesus." Love the lyrical part, "Look full in His wonderful face."  One day we will do just that!  Amazing!

Feeling a bit stuck, I opened a journal I've been keeping and read:

"Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2

Ruth Chou Simons wrote, "Praising God is a battle for our minds, before it is an act of our hearts."

In Exodus 3:3 where Moses encounters God in the burning bush he states:
"I must turn aside and look."  He was intentional.

When we aren't certain which way to go, we can turn our eyes upon Jesus and get direction.
Take time today to listen to this rendition of "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." You will be blessed.

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