To Be...Awed By God's Vastness

December 13

Some of the grands and I were talking about how amazing God is.  The discussion started with how intricate our bodies are.  Eyes to see, ears to hear, tongues that taste and hands that feel.  Then we went on to talk about how God knows everything we are thinking and has ways to speak to our minds and hearts.  Wait!  But at the same time He's doing that for his creations all around the world.  No, wait!  That's happening in universes we don't even know about. WOW!  There is no way we can begin to comprehend the vastness and depth of God.

"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!  How vast is the sum of them!" Psalm 139:17

It is a gift from God to be intricately woven together and known by Him personally.

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