To Be...Committed

December 20
It's so hard to not get caught up in the hustle bustle the world dangles in front of us this season.  It happened to me yesterday.  I was out the door early without my Jesus time. I ended up perusing the aisles of Kroger and the Dollar Store for over an hour for items for our grandchildren and our upcoming "Cousin Camp."  Then I came home and wrapped thirty plus tiny treasures for another hour.  After that the day slipped away with visits from friends, chores and changing the downstairs decor from a Christmas theme to a snowman theme.

Not once did either of my current Bible studies or Jesus Calling get opened.  Flash forward to 3:45AM and I'm up with Jesus.  Flipping back a page in Jesus Calling I found the words I needed to have read yesterday.

"Don't be weighed down by the clutter in your life: lots of little chores to do sometime, in no particular order. If you focus too much on these petty tasks, trying to get them all out of the way, you will discover that they are endless.  They can eat up as much time as you devote to them...Remember that your ultimate goal is living close to Me, being responsive to My initiatives."

Friends, my day would have looked a lot differently had I started it by seeking the Lord and being committed to allowing Him to lead my day.

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."   Proverbs 16:3

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:33

It is a gift from God to spend time with Him and blessings come from our commitment to Him.

Here is a sweet song by Casting Crowns Somewhere in Your Silent Night if you want to quiet your heart.

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