To Be...Illuminated

I love lights and keep these up year round. I just change out the decor around them.

December 10
(We've been so thrilled by the snow I forgot to post the weekend devotional thought.  See if below.)
Oh the joy doing an Advent study brings me! This year I'm doing three!  Somedays time affords me the luxury of curling up in a recliner by the tree with a fuzzy blanket and basking in the love of our Lord.

One study used scripture referencing Jesus teaching the crowds that He is the Light of the World.

"Jesus spoke to them again: 'I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.'" John 8:12

"Jesus answered, 'The light will be with you only a little longer.  Walk while you have the light so that darkness doesn't overtake you.  The one who walks in darkness doesn't know where he's going. While you have the light, believe in the light so that you may become children of light.'"  John 12:35-36

The She Reads Truth questions posed were "What does light do? In what ways is Jesus the Light of the World?"
The first word that came to me was illuminate.
This part of a definition is so appropriate: "to clarify or explain."
I journaled:
Light illuminates, shows the way, clarifies questions and allows us to see and shines in darkness.
Jesus illuminates our souls. The light of Christ in us helps us identify the dark sin that needs to be confessed and removed through Jesus.  In His Word, Jesus shows us the way to walk in truth, thus lighting our path.  Jesus, the Word, through the gift of the Holy Spirit allows us to see things with spiritual eyes. In dark times of trials, of fear, of sadness, Jesus is the Light that calms and protects us.

The study challenged me to write a prayer about Jesus being the Light of the World.
"O Light of the World, how I give thanks for the illumination You bring to my life. Shine upon the dark spots so that I might readily confess those sins and be forgiven.  Light my path so that I only go in the directions You intend for me to go and serve You with pre-planned purpose.  In situations of uncertainty be a light to my eyes, so that I might discern through Your wisdom what You want me to see.  I love You, Jesus, You are the Light of my life. Amen"

It is a gift of God to come to know The Light of the World and experience the power of his illumination.

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