To Be...Thinking About God's Power

My girlfriend's barn the night of the storm!

December 11
Wowzer!  We got socked with an enormous snow storm named Diego on Sunday. While these storms are gorgeous "magical" our daughter said, having you feeling as if you are living right in the middle of Narnia, they can be paralyzing.

"God's majestic voice thunders his commands, creating miracles too marvelous for us to understand. Snow and heavy rainstorms make us stop and think about God's power, and they force animals to seek shelter."  Job 37:4-7

In an attempt to help another, my husband's truck ended up in a ditch and he needed help to be towed out.  Later, the home of that very friend who had helped us was without power for fourteen hours and night time tempts dropped into the low 20's.  Brrrr.

It's not until we are without power that we realize all that power affords us.  Light, heat, running water, not to mention our electronically fueled sources of information and entertainment.

We had some thought provoking God discussions with our grandchildren who were with us for the storm.  Simply realizing God makes every snowflake falling from the sky different boggled our minds.  Realizing the world outside had  become totally silent and still also had us thinking.  There were no fish jumping, no birds flying, and the squirrels, rabbits, turkeys and deer who usually scampered about our property were no where to be round. Somewhere  God had them protected. (We did toss out some carrots for the bunny family who lives under our front steps.)  If necessary for their provision I know the Lord can rain down manna. 

"Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day..."  Exodus 16:4

Here's my thought today about God's power.  We don't begin to tap into His power, which is available to us through the Holy Spirit and prayer.  The very morning I was writing these devotional thoughts I'd awakened remembering Exodus 14:14
"The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent."

What are we trying to do in our own strength without the Lord?  Is there an area in our lives we sound like a stubborn child saying, "I'll do it myself," instead of allowing God to be God and show off His power?

It is a gift from God to be able to surrender to His power and provision with thanksgiving.

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