It Makes Sense to Accept God's Invitation

My husband accepted an invitation to a tea party!

January 8
Are you partied out?  Was there an event over the holidays to which you did not receive an invitation that left you disappointed?

God's invitation to accept Christ is for ALL! "Come to Me," Jesus says. The more the merrier!
As I ended a devotional book called Gracelaced what was printed on the last page made sense.
Maybe there is someone you can use this with to make clear God's invitation to us.

"A love story told from the beginning of time begins in the garden, where Adam and Eve knew no separation from their Creator until they exchanged transparency with their God for sinful pride. It's the story of how that same God orchestrated and wooed His people for generations that they might know the weight of their sin and their need for a Savior.  That Savior was Jesus, who lived a sinless life for 33 years on earth in order to fulfill the will of the Father by dying a criminal's death on the cross to pay the penalty of man's disobedience-the penalty of separation that you and I would suffer if not for the shed blood of Christ.  And so the invitation and welcome is yours; to come as broken, hopeless, and burdened...and find peace for your soul. Here's to your new beginning."
                                                                                                      Ruth Chou Simon

The most important RSVP of acceptance we will ever send is to the simple invitation God extends to us.  There is no dress code, nor entry fee. Only one requirement...

"If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the deac, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9

Don't REGRET the call to come to Christ!

Lord, how gracious is the love story You have extended to us.  What an amazing invitation into eternity with You. The feast of life and love You have laid out before us is beyond our human comprehension. The seating is not limited, so find us faithful to extend Your invitation to others for we know it is Your heart's desire to have all your children with You.  In the name of the One who makes attendance in the Kingdom of God possible...Jesus. Amen

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