It Makes be Astonished by God
January 19-20
"And they were astonished at the greatness of God." Luke 9:43
Astonished..surprised, amazed, impressed! God brings about all those emotions.
We may never have seen demons called out of a young man, as in this Luke passage; the Red Sea parted or someone raised from the dead, as Lazarus was; but there is something astonishing to recognize about the greatness of God everyday if we take the time.
When was your last "show stopping" moment?
Was it looking at a newborn baby; experiencing the hush of a new fallen snow; gazing up at a magnificent moon surrounded by thousands of stars?
Maybe you've seen forgiveness offered and relationships restored that had God's signature of greatness and mercy marked all over them.
It makes sense to recognize how great our God is!
Sing with Chris Tomlin
God, we stand amazed, astonished and totally in awe of who You are and how we can be loved so deeply by You. We long to come into Your Presence, with thanksgiving. In Jesus' name, Amen