It Makes Sense to Follow Light

The view from one of our bedroom windows on an icy morning.

January 18
If you don't have a regular quiet time with the Lord you are really missing out. We have to fight the world's schedules to make this happen, but it's so worth it.  One of the devotional journals I'm using this year calls for you to read an assigned passage of scripture, ask God to give you a word for the day, and journal what's on your heart.  It's very much like what I do with Boojoyful.
Tuesday morning, as I pondered what God had for me, I looked up and could see the sun cresting over the mountain top.  "Light!" That's the word that came to me.  Within moments the powerful sun was blazing through the ice glazed trees thawing them out.  Light is beautiful.

"God made two powerful lights, the brighter one to rule the day and the other to rule the night. He also made the stars.  Then God put these lights in the sky to shine on the earth, to rule day and night, and to separate light from darkness.  God looked at what he had done, and it was good." 
Genesis 1:16-18

Light- "The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible." 
Illuminate-"helps to clarify."

Humans have always been drawn to light. My husband likes to take a pen light and shine it on the carpet and watch our eight month old grandson crawl after the light!  

Reading the definitions of light and illuminate, we see how they correlate with God's Word and the spiritual light available to us through the Holy Spirit.  Each day dishes out circumstances that need to be brought to light and clarified.

"Understanding your word brings light to the minds of ordinary people."  Psalm 119:130

We keep a large stash of children's flashlights on hand to enhance bedtime when we have sleepovers for the grandchildren. There's a comfort that comes in the darkness knowing light is nearby.
Listen to what Jesus says in John 8:12
"Once again Jesus spoke to the people. This time he said, 'I am the light of the world!  Follow me, and you won't be walking in the dark.  You will have the light that gives life."

I know some people who are in very dark places right now.  Three I am praying for have been chained up by addiction, sexual immorality and rebellion, which have led them and those they love into very dark places.  My prayer is this:

Lord, help these precious creations of Yours to see the Light and follow it to the place where they become overwhelmed by the love You have for them. May they fix their eyes on Jesus, who is the chain breaker, giver of light and life and the One who sets them free. In Jesus' name, Amen

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