Love- Doesn't Give Up 21

We have loved this Malibu boat for years, but it is time to give up taking care of her.
Someone else's turn!
Does God ever give up caring for us?

February 21

When do we give up on something. You know decide there is no need to invest any further in it or them.
Years ago, we allowed a couple twenty something young men we knew to bring a tough group of rebellious teens here to Shiloh to be loved on and mentored by these young men.  One day, one of the guys said to me, "Boo, there is no one else who would let us bring these kids into their home. Thank You." My immediate thought was "I believe that!"

One of these visits had been rather trying. Some property had been abused and destroyed.  There was no respect at all being shown by the teenage attendees.  My husband came to me and said, "Either someone is coming to know Jesus today of these kids are not coming back!"

That brought about the thought..."Does God every give up on us?" I googled that question and found a response from Billy Graham and thought it timely to post it on the 1 year anniversary of his Homegoing.  My guess is we will each have someone to share this wisdom and encouragement with at some point.

"God doesn’t give up on us until we give up on Him. Only when we repeatedly turn our backs on Him and stubbornly refuse His offer of forgiveness will He finally let us go. The Bible warns, “A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy” (Proverbs 29:1).
Have you reached that point? No, you haven’t; if you had, you wouldn’t be writing me or worrying about your salvation. The person who is in the most danger spiritually is the one who doesn’t care about his or her spiritual state. Don’t let that ever become true of you!
But your question concerns me, nevertheless, because it suggests that you have misunderstood what God expects of you. Does God just want you to behave better? To put it another way, does God promise to reward you with eternal life if you’ll just try hard enough? Or does God want something else from you? The answer is “Yes”—God does want something else, and that “something” is for you to give your life to Jesus Christ.
You see, we are separated from God because of our sins, and our greatest need is to be forgiven and cleansed of them. This is why Jesus Christ came into the world. All your sins were placed on Him, and He died for you. Now God offers you salvation as a free gift—a gift Christ paid for with His blood. Repent of your sins and ask Christ to come into your life today.

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