Love...Wipes Away Sin

February 8
“Most important of all, you must sincerely love each other because, love wipes away many sins.”   1 Peter 4:8

This whole love story with Jesus would not have unfolded had it not been for our sinful selves.  Sin is not a popular topic. We'd rather sweep it under the rug, but it's here in our lives and every life around us.
Without our sin there would have been no cross for Jesus to bear.  His love for us wipes away our sins and we need to offer that same kind of sacrificial, forgiving love to others.

There's a provision!
"But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away."  1 John 1:9

An exert from J. E. Orr's book Cleanse Me reads:
"We call them excuses. Placing the blame where it belongs (on somebody else!). Little white lies. But the Bible calls these things sin. Unfortunately, we can so successfully  hide our own sins from ourselves that we need God's help to search them out.  Conviction is necessary and confession is indeed good for the soul."

Yep!  Clean up in life #precious!  How amazing is the love that wipes away our sin.

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