The Night Before...

April 12

This passage in the Song of Songs, goes along with a "What's to Come" theme God is teaching me. Waiting encompasses so much of life and there's so much to learn in the waiting.

My husband and I have had the privilege of walking along side a friend and her fiancé during their engagement period the past few months. Tomorrow they will be married.
The planning, the questions/decisions, the anticipation, the prayers, the waiting for those "I do's" to be said! Ah, so much to think about to make the day special and honoring to God.

At least my girlfriend knows when her groom is coming for her.  In the Old Testament days the bride had to keep the lamp post burning awaiting the groom's surprise arrival. That's a picture of what it is like for us as we await Christ's return for us.  It will be a surprise.

I can't remember where I found this quote, but in a journal I had it jotted down.
" the night before the dawn, the night before the reuniting."
Have you ever sat watching, waiting for a sunrise?
Have you ever sat with a loved one who was waiting for Jesus to come take them home?
The reuniting with our Creator is to come.
Many of our moments here on earth feel like—the night before the dawn, the night before the reuniting, the night before the completion of something. 
We feel afraid and lost and desperate. Anxiety can set in. We feel like something—someone—is missing, and we begin this search until we find the fulfillment. The total satisfaction to our yearnings will only be felt when our Bridegroom comes for us.
Christ, our Beloved, has come and He is coming again. But until He does, until the appropriate time, the night feels long.

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